Category Archives: Work

Widgets, Weather Images, And Javascript

I’ve had some fun messing around with Satellite Images and netvibes. Check it out here I’ve just done some fun stuff with some weather images. Check it out here buy cialis online from canada order forms buy viagra

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Goin' home

Well it’s that time of year again and I’m headin’ back to good ol’ aus. The same time of year that makin’ lots of words end in a ‘. I’ve got a good friend to mind my flat while I’m … Continue reading

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Dealine Season

To many, christmas and the new year is all about holidays and family and pressies. But, for some reason, the period just before that is the most important time to ‘get things finished’. buy 10 mg cialis cheap viagra substitute

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Business end I’ve just created my business blog It’ll be more about computers and internet thingies, whereas this one seems to be more about humans. I wonder who’ll get the most posts? buy 10 mg cialis cheap viagra substitute

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